Camilla Alves made a gift Penelope

Camilla Alves made a gift Penelope

Camilla Alves - not just the bride actor Matthew McConaughey and the mother of his little son, the Brazilian beauty is both the model and designer.

We Alves has its own line of handbags (as written on the site, all bags are handmade and one thing going for 7-8 hours of hard work).

PR-service Camilla to advertise periodically sends these bags as a gift to various celebrities. And recently, this bag has been sent ... Penelope Cruz, the former girlfriend Met McConaughey!

They say that learning about this Alves was just in a rage - she is still jealous of Matthew to Penelope, Cruz, though long associated with the actor Javier Bardemom.

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Мэтью МакКонахи и Камилла Альвес с их сыном Леви


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